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Benny Meng

Head of Wing Chun Department

An internationally renowned martial artist, instructor and referee, Grand Master Benny Meng has devoted his entire lifetime to the field of martial arts starting from age 10. He has been featured by news and major martial arts publications as among the world’s best martial artists. Additionally, he has performed numerous international martial arts demonstrations, astounding on-lookers with feats of concentration, speed, and special techniques!

Grand Master Meng is a 73rd generation descendant of one of China’s greatest philosophers, Mencius. Mencius was a direct successor to Confucius, one of the greatest philosophers in the history of China. Meng’s inherited penchant for the study of philosophy and the ‘nature of things’ led him on a lifetime journey in search of reality. Nowhere is reality more intense and lucid than in the study of martial arts and sciences. True to his search, Benny Meng studied martial arts throughout the East and the West. He started his martial arts training in Hong Kong (1970-Judo). He began broadening his skills and knowledge with Tae Kwon Do training in 1974 under Grand Master Y.C. Kim (9th Dan, WTF) in the United States. Additional Tae Kwon Do training included Grand Master K. J. Park, former Head Judge at the Kuk Ki Won, the International Headquarters for Tae Kwon Do. He has enjoyed the privilege of studying under several famous Kung Fu Grand Masters from various styles. Beginning in 1981, Benny Meng embarked on an extended study of martial arts that took him to: Hong Kong (1981-Tai Chi Mantis & Wing Chun) Mainland China (1983-Shaolin Temple and Sichuan Sports University), Korea (1985-Tae Kwon Do with the Korean National Team) and Taiwan (1985-Shaolin, Chi Kung).

Grand Master Meng began his Wing Chun Kung Fu training in Hong Kong in 1982 under the movie star Sifu Lee Hoi Sang, a student of Jiu Wan. Training under Lee Hoi Sang was interrupted after 1 year of intense study by Grand Master Meng’s return to the United States. He resumed full time training under Sifu Moy Yat in New York City in 1985. He officially started teaching Kung Fu in 1986.

In 1994, Grand Master Meng began another journey through the system with Sifu Moy Yat through private lessons. With Moy Yat’s blessing, he began another journey through the system in 1995 via extensive private lessons with his Sibaak (kung fu uncle) Ip Ching. The Ving Tsun Museum, the Ving Tsun Athletic Association, and the Moy Yat International Ving Tsun Federation all certified him as a Senior Instructor (7th Degree). Additionally, the World Tae Kwon Do Federation certified him to the 6th Degree Black Belt level. Krav Maga International has certified him as a Krav Maga Instructor. In 2013, Grand Master Meng was also one of the first non-monks to be certified as an instructor in the warrior monk’s training curriculum from the Shaolin Temple, bringing his martial arts career back to its Shaolin roots over 30 years later!

With the establishment of the Ving Tsun Museum project in 1993, Grand Master Meng’s passion for Wing Chun research has been fueled at an ever-accelerating rate by his position as Curator. To broaden the knowledge of his original Wing Chun system, he sought further research and training from numerous lineages different from the Ip Man style. Grand Master Meng had the privilege of studying in the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun lineage for 10 years. In pursuit of further knowledge of Wing Chun and Southern Shaolin history, Grand Master Meng is also a recognized instructor in the Chi Sim Weng Chun system, a system that is most likely one of the earlier forms of Hung Ga.

In 2008, Grand Master Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum were approached by Suhu Kenneth Lin of the Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun system to bring a little known version of Wing Chun preserved in Indonesia to public light. As research began in this lineage, Grand Master Meng was impressed with the depth of knowledge, clarity of training methods, and positive character of the leadership in the system. The Shaolin Wing Chun system has maintained much of the original Fukienese dialect and terms, even while facing government persecution and suppression in Indonesia. As research continued, Grand Master Meng was accepted into the Shaolin Wing Chun martial arts family and has worked tirelessly to assist in the preservation and promotion of this great system as the International Program Director and first Certified Instructor (Suhu) in the US. Shaolin Wing Chun represents the final piece of the puzzle the Ving Tsun Museum started to put together over 20 years ago as he began his research into the true origins of Wing Chun.

Grand Master Meng’s school is recognized worldwide, affiliated with the International Moy Yat Ving Tsun Federation (USA), the Ving Tsun Athletic Association (Hong Kong), the Fatsaan Jing Mo (China), the Wushu and Kuoshu Kung Fu Federations (USA), the World Tae Kwon Do Federation (WTF), Krav Maga International, and the Shaolin Temple.

In 1994 Meng’s Martial Arts was chosen for the prestigious Top 200 Schools of North America award out of more than 15,000 contenders. Since that time, Meng’s has grown to an integrated network of branches incorporating a complete system utilizing the purest form of authentic traditional martial arts and science teaching and development. Many Instructors and Master Instructors have graduated from Meng’s Martial Arts. Today, Meng’s Martial Arts is one of the few schools in the world to offer the martial science of Shaolin Wing Chun Wing Chun, Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun, Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun, Ip Man Wing Chun, and Chi Sim Weng Chun.
Below are samplings of his resume and experiences:
• Founder of Hung Lung Sin Fu Faat Mun Paai
• The principle founder and Grand Master Instructor of Meng’s Martial Arts in Dayton, Ohio
• The principle founder and Curator of the Ving Tsun Museum in Dayton, Ohio
• Over 30 affiliated locations and instructors, worldwide
• Certified Instructor in Shaolin Kung Fu by the Shaolin Temple, China
• Certified Suhu in the Shaolin Wing Chun Wing Chun, 5th Generation Disciple and 5th Degree Master Level Senior Instructor
• Certified Sifu in the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun
Certified Sifu in the Chi Sim Weng Chun
• Certified 7th Level Senior Instructor, Ving Tsun Athletic Association, Hong Kong
• Certified 7th Degree Black Sash Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung fu (IMYVTKF)
• Certified 6th Degree Black Belt Tae Kwon Do (WTF)
• Instructor Level in Chin Na, Qigong, Tai Chi Chuan, Krav Maga
• Martial Arts presenter on T.C. Media and other DVD’s
• Lecturer and Martial Arts Instructor for the International Academy of Personal Development in the Middle East
• Author of 8 Books and multiple Magazine Articles
• State and National Champion in Kung Fu
• State and National Champion in Tae Kwon Do
• Produce State, National, Pan Am and World Champions in martial arts
• Recipient of Outstanding Instructor and International Hall of Fame Award
• National Director and Referee, USAT TKD and USAWKF Wing Chun Competition Events
• Doctor of Philosophy in Martial Science from the International University: College of Business Technology and Management
• Associate in Science Degree in Acupuncture
• Grand Master Instructor for the Chinese Cultural Centers in Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio

Benny Meng
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